Transitioning from high school to college tests your autonomy and passion for higher education. Top that experience off with moving to a whole new country and now you’re on a whole other level of unknown social and academic customs. Meet five brave Highlanders who chose UCR as their new home away from home. Hear about the genuine friendships made, mind-expanding studies learned, and the cooler-than-cool vibes of living, studying, and playing in one of Southern California’s sunniest cities — Riverside, California.
Tune in to Undergraduate Admissions IGTV and meet:
- Leonardo Targia from Italy (Senior, Finance)
- Heidi Chen from Singapore (c/o 2020, Business Information Systems)
- Stephanie Chuquipul from Peru (Senior, Economics & Administrative Studies)
- Catherine Sun from China (Senior, Psychology)
Check out this bonus clip that features one international student’s daily routine:
- Sena Narotamma from Indonesia (Senior, Business)